
There are several ways you can work with me! From complimentary consultations aimed to assist you in cleaning up your supplement or beauty regimes to detailed health coaching designed to identify and address the root causes of your health challenges – I've got you covered.

Complimentary Services

Clean up your supplement or beauty routine!


15 Minute Supplement Regime Consultation

This complimentary 15-minute call is for those who are interested in supplementation and are looking for guidance from a professional. It is also perfect for those already taking supplements who would like feedback on their current regime.

Fill out the supplementation questionnaire and book your free consult

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15 Minute Safer Skincare Consultation

This complimentary skincare consultation is for those who are considering switching over to safer skincare and cosmetics but would like some guidance on where to begin. 

Fill out the safer skincare questionnaire and book your free consult

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Health Coaching

Autoimmune Nutrition and healing is a focus in my practice, but you certainly do not have to have a diagnosed autoimmune disease to work with me! I love working with anyone who is motivated to make nutritional and lifestyle changes to live a better life.

I use my education as a Certified Nutritional Practitioner to evaluate your nutritional needs and provide dietary, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations. As an Autoimmune Paleo Certified Coach, I am trained to support clients to holistically manage the effects of autoimmune disease and promote higher levels of wellness.

The personalized healing protocols I design focus on uncovering and addressing the root causes of your health complaints for deep and sustainable healing.



Free 15 Minute Discovery Consultation

The focus of this call is to discuss your health goals and see if we're a good fit together.

Fill out the discovery call questionnaire and book your free consult

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Initial Consultation

A 60-minute initial consultation with full history, personalized protocol, and ongoing support through the Practice Better App messaging system and interactive food journal for a period of 30 days after the consultation.

$175 USD


30-Minute Follow Up

A 30-minute follow up consultation for those who have had an appointment within 60 days. If you have not had a consultation within 60 days, please choose the 60 minute follow up consultation.

$90 USD


60-Minute Follow Up

A 60-minute follow up consultation for those who have not had an appointment within 60 days.

$135 USD

Clean Living

 Tips and resources to help you reduce hormone-disrupting toxins so your body can heal

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Health & Wellness

Learn how to reverse autoimmunity and hormonal imbalance naturally

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Shop Supplements

Shop our selection of professional-grade supplements, carefully selected to optimize healing without any immune-stimulating ingredients

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